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Head and shoulders image of Eljin wearing a black long-sleeved jumper. Eljin is holding his hands below his chin, revealing crystal bracelets on both arms.

Personal training for your mind

How do you emotionally regulate? Do you struggle with your own thoughts? Do you feel out of control and overwhelmed with emotions? Maybe you're not happy with how you're are behaving at present or how your life is right now ? 


Your brain is the most sophisticated processor in the world. 

Your nervous system is your operating software.

It controls you're responses and sends instructions for how to react to the rest of the body.


I help you to understand your operating system, your connection between the mind and the body. I quite simply help you 'deal' and 'manage' your thoughts and emotions in a way you want to! To preform in life the way you want to. 


Sometimes a virus gets in, or a file becomes corrupted and we can get locked in unhelpful thoughts, emotional states, behaviours and coping strategies. We need to remove the glitch in the system, the gremlin in the mind, and create new pathways, new ways to process and new coping strategies.


Otherwise, your brain will respond on autopilot. The key to success and change is to take control of our brain. If we don't use it, it will use us


Computer software is kept up-to-date to ensure optimal performance and protection. Your internal systems should be treated the same way. 

Many of us are operating on old operating systems, old corrupt belief systems about ourselves and life, most likely still from childhood, and they need updating, just like we update our phones. 


Our ancestors were fleeing cave lions and mammoths, so our brain is hard-wired to respond to perceived threats just as if they were sharp-toothed predators. It's rare we actually have a threat to life in modern times, however most of us are operating from our fight or flight response state, causing huge stress on our mind and body, leading to potentially serious mental & physical health problems. 


I’m here to help you work through whatever difficulties you may be facing in your life. So you can live in this modern world, being all you can be, striving towards your goals in a healthy psychological and emotional state. 


I’ll help you rewire your brain and how you process your unique experiences of life. You’ll acquire positive, simple tools and techniques to move away from old patterns of thoughts, memories and behaviours, leading you towards the life you want to live. 


Reboot the mind, upgrade the operating system and optimise the settings to reconnect with life once again in the psychological and emotional state your deserve. 

Full length image of Eljin wearing a grey suit.
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Eljin smiling, head and shoulders view wearing a black jumper. The background is blue and purple.

“The greatest investment you can make is in yourself. To be all we can be in life, we need to truly understand ourselves.


Our lives are an extension of our minds. It’s key to have a healthy relationship with the self to have a healthy relationship with others, and with life. 


Many are operating from an old belief system of them selves and life, yet are unaware, and are going around in circles. 


It’s true what we believe; so make sure what we believe is true.”


Photo of Eljin working with a client. The client is lying on the floor with a blanket over their torso and a sleep mask covering their eyes. Eljin is kneeling next to them and they are talking gently, Eljin’s hands are on the client’s stomach.

What my clients say:

“Eljin has been and still is my guide, helping me understand myself, my relationship with other people and the world all the time. 


I owe Eljin my life - not only that but the quality of it too; before I was just existing now I am living and feel truly alive. 


The world has colour, and tastes like never before. 


I’m truly grateful I made that phone call and booked in with Eljin. It was nothing short of a life-changing moment.”


- Connection Coaching Client

Signature Programmes testimonial's 


I have had the privilege of working with Eljin and have completed The Summit programme.  Throughout my journey I have seen remarkable growth, and own a significant part of this to Eljen's guidance and support. I have become a more balanced individual and self aware individual, but I've also learnt to manage stress, nurture self love, and steer my life towards the direction I aspire to go.  

Kevin Hanks 



Experience & knowledge has been exceptional, it fully met all my expectations and would recommend to friends and family. The tolls, delivery and pace were again all exceptional. Looing at my core beliefs & values was super powerful, I did not truly appreciate the importance of this. 

A massive thank you for your guidance, wisdom, and generosity. My heart is opening up, feeling more motivated & focused.

Michelle Crozier


Such powerful tools added to my tool kit. There is no price to put on what tis has done for me, it did exactly what it says on the side of the tin.

Visualisation, breathwork, anchoring, just amazing. 

Its helped me get rid of trauma and have a new way of being and daily practice. Its given me so much. Thank you. 

John Goodwin 

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Hear what some of my clients are saying

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A collection of wellbeing items including a grey buddha statue, a himalayan salt lamp and a small yucca plant.
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